Upcoming Events

Sunday, March 23, 2025
2 pm • "Daughters of Eve:" Music written by women who dare!
Amy Beach "Pastorale" and "Caprice," Op. 40
Francine Trester "Portraits of a Lady"
Louis Ferrenc "Trio in E minor," Op. 45

Chloe Carrano, flute, Francine Trester, viola, Lois Shapiro, piano
Newton Free Library
330 Homer Street Newton, Massachusetts 02459
Free Admission

Sunday, March 23, 2025
3 pm • Dave McLellan, guitarist
Works by Luis Milan, Stanley Myers, and Francine Trester
Framingham Public Library
49 Lexington St, Framingham, MA

Saturday, March 8, 2025
3 pm • Poulenc, Kegelstatt & Dvorak: A PKD Foundation Benefit Concert
Eleuthera Trio: Francine Trester, violin, Juile Reimann, cello, Lois Shapiro, piano
First Unitarian Universalist Society, 1326 Washington Street, Newton, MA

Saturday, February 15, 2025
4 pm • Duo Amie: Julie Reimann, cello and Ellysses Kuan, piano
Trester's "Moulin Ruse"
Solivita Community Music
Orlando, FL

Sunday, February 9, 2025
3 pm • Duo Amie: Julie Reimann, cello and Ellysses Kuan, piano
Trester's "Moulin Ruse" (world premiere)
Cornerstone Concert Series, First Lutheran Church
Brockton, MA

Sunday, February 2, 2025
7 pm • World premiere of Francine Trester's "Shir Hashirim" for soprano, mezzo, tenor and baritone
Commissioned by Temple Beth Shalom, Needham MA
With guests Cantor DJ Fortine, Lois Shapiro, piano and Franicne Trester, violin
Temple Beth Shalom, Needham, MA

Saturday, January 25, 2025
Jeremy Brown, saxophone
Trester's "Reminiscence: 3 Meditations on Friendship" for saxophone and piano
Words and Music by Trester
Calgary, Canada

Thursday, January 23, 2025
4 pm • "Daughters of Eve:" Music written by women who dare!
Amy Beach "Pastorale" and "Caprice," Op. 40
Francine Trester "Portraits of a Lady"
Louis Ferrenc "Trio in E minor," Op. 45

Chloe Carrano, flute, Francine Trester, viola, Lois Shapiro, piano
Waterstone of Lexington

Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Dave McLellan, guitarist
Trester's "Dreamcatcher" for solo guitar
The Enclave of Boxborough presents

Tuesday, November 26, 2024
7:30 pm • Women and the Vote for Saxophone
Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory
Featuring the NEC Saxophone Ensemble directed by Ken Radnofsky
Works by: Francine Trester, Florence Price, Charles Martin Loeffler, Julia Perry, Fernande Decruck, Joan Tower and Stacy Garrop

Pre-Concert Lecture on the Legacy of Elise Hall with Dr. Kurt Bertels, Keller Room, 6:30 pm

Sunday, November 24, 2024

7:30 pm • Kenneth Radnofsky, Saxophone
Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory Faculty Recital
World Premieres of Works by Francine Trester and David Amram
Premiere of Trester's "Neshot Hayil" with Carrie Cheron, voice, Francine Trester, violin, Kenneth Radnofsky, saxophone, Ziang Yin, piano
Program to also include Erwin Schulhoff ‘Hot-Sonate,’ Ravel ‘Kaddish,’ Scott Joplin ‘Bethena Waltz,’ Stravinsky ‘Three Pieces’ for Clarinet Solo and Eric Dolphy ‘Improvisations’ on Billie Holiday/Arthur Herzog ‘God Bless the Child’(transcribed Roger Jannotta)
Free and Open to the Public

Sunday, November 2, 2024
6 - 9 pm • 12th annual Benefit Concert:
An evening of classical music with world renowned musicians
With the Eleuthera Trio - all proceeds benefit the Vietnam Vascular Anomalies Center
Francine Trester, violin, Julie Reimann, cello, Lois Shapiro, piano
Maliotis Cultural Center, 50 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, MA 02445

Sunday, November 2, 2024
2 pm • In the Spirit of Brahms
Pianist Lois Shapiro and Violinist Francine Trester at Lasell
Brahms Sonatas plus Trester's "Treasury Notes"
Margaret Ward, reader
House Concert to benefit FUSN - visit fusn.org for details

Sunday, October 6, 2024
2:30 pm • Providence Mandolin Orchestra
Works by Trester, Kellaris, Bach, Piazzolla and Netsky
Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Rd, Rehoboth, MA
General: $25/ Children: $10

Saturday, October 5, 2024
3 pm • Poulenc, Kegelstatt & Dvorak: A PKD Foundation Benefit Concert
Eleuthera Trio: Francine Trester, violin, Juile Reimann, cello, Lois Shapiro, piano
First Unitarian Universalist Society, 1326 Washington Street, Newton, MA

Monday, September 23, 2024
7:30 pm • Berklee Composition Department Faculty Recital;  David Friend Recital Hall
Erin Merceruio Nelson, soprano, Eileen Huang, piano
"Three Maybes..." words and music by Francine Trester

Tuesday, March 26, 2024
7:30 pm • NEC Saxophone Ensemble
Couper, Trester, Higdon, Wallace, Barber, Bernstein, Ellington, Garland
Francine Trester - three movements from "Red Sox Blue Sax" (2005)

Monday, March 25, 2024

7:30 pm • Kenneth Radnofsky, Saxophone
New England Conservatory Faculty Recital
Premiere of Trester's "All Points" for Saxophone and Piano Quintet
Words and Music by Francine Trester

Friday, March 8, 2024
7:30 pm • Kendall Square Orchestra premieres Trester's "In Her Element"
Words and Music by Francine Trester
Kristo Kondakçi, conductor
With soloists Carrie Cheron, mezzo-soprano, and Erin Merceruio Nelson, soprano
Sanders Theatre, Harvard University, 45 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

Saturday, December 2, 2023
6 - 9:30 pm • The Martin Mihm Memorial Concert:
An evening of classical music with world renowned musicians
With the Eleuthera Trio - all proceeds benefit the Vietnam Vascular Anomalies Center
Francine Trester, violin, Julie Reimann, cello, Lois Shapiro, piano
The Maliotis Cultural Center, Hellenic College Holy Cross at 50 Goddard Avenue, Brookline, MA 02445.

Sunday, October 1, 2023
2:00 pm • Fran, Franck, Fiesta!
Francine Trester joins the Kalliope Reed Quintet in a performance of the complete Franck Sonata (arranged by Raaf Hekkema from the Calefax Quintet). Plus Kalliope performs Latin American favorites.
Newton Free Library
330 Homer Street Newton, Massachusetts 02459
Free Admission

Friday, September 29, 2023
6:00 pm • Kalliope in Blue
This program is part of the Somerville Museum’s seasonal exhibit BLUE: the exploration of a color by Martha Friend. Francine Trester joins the Kalliope Reed Quintet and Mezzo Soprano Carrie Cheron for a program of works inspired by the color blue. Includes the world premiere of Trester’s reed quintet version of her new song cycle "Azure World," a setting of poetry by Alfred Tennyson.

Additional works by Diedre McKay, Daniel Cueto, Luis Calvo, Joni Mitchell, and George Gershwin. Admission is $10 and includes museum admission to the exhibit. Made possible with support from the Somerville Arts Council

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
7:00 pm • Songs of Life
Premiere of Trester’s “Tiger Eye,” commissioned by Shelter Music Boston for the 2023 Julie Leven Artistic Project; program also includes "Inside A Haiku" - words by Laurel Lee Lambert, with Carrie Cheron, mezzo-soprano
Saint Cecilia Parish, 18 Belvidere Street, Boston

Pre-concert interview on GBH's Boston Public Radio, Friday, Sept. 22, 11:30 am -Boston Public Library

Tuesday, September 19, 2023
7:30 pm • Fran and Franck
Selections from Trester's "Azure World" arranged for reed quintet; Carrie Cheron, Mezzo Soprano, Kalliope Reed Quintet,
Trester's "This" for reed quintet,
plus Francine Trester performs the complete Franck Sonata (arranged by Raaf Hekkema from the Calefax Quintet) with Kalliope.
Admission free
Berklee School of Music – David Friend Recital Hall

Saturday, September 16, 2023
7:30 pm • ¡Viva México!
Francine Trester joins the Kalliope Reed quintet in a celebration of Mexican Independence Day and Hispanic Heritage month. Works by five different living Mexican composers - plus Francine Trester performs the complete Franck Sonata (arranged by Raaf Hekkema from the Calefax Quintet) with Kalliope.
Admission free
In-person/online First Baptist Church Medford

Friday, June 2, 2023

7:30 pm • In the Spirit of Brahms: Part I
Pianist Lois Shapiro and Violinist Francine Trester at Lasell
Brahms Sonatas plus Trester's "Treasury Notes"
Margaret Ward, reader
Free admission

Tuesday, May 30, 2023
7:30 p.m. • Providence Mandolin Orchestra
Works by Trester, Pearl, Kellaris, Almeida, Calace and Wolki
Studio One Rhode Island Dance Complex
$10 - https://www.providencemandolin.org/

Thursday, May 25, 2023
7:30 pm • In the Spirit of Brahms: Part II 
Pianist Lois Shapiro and Violinist Francine Trester at Lasell
Brahms Sonatas plus Trester's "Treasury Notes"
Margaret Ward, reader
Free admission

Sunday, May 21, 2023
6:30 p.m. • CST Ellie Lutterman, violin
Trester's 2nd Partita for Solo Violin
Lawrence University
Warch Campus Center

Thursday, April 27, 2023
2:00 pm • Eleuthera Trio at the Newton Free Library
Babajanian Trio in f sharp minor
Bruch Romanian Melody No. 5
Brahms Trio No. 1 in B Major, Op. 8
330 Homer Street Newton, Massachusetts 02459
Free admission

Monday, April 3, 2023
6:30 pm • Providence Mandolin Orchestra
Works by Trester, Pearl (premiere), Almeida (arr. by Armstrong-premiere). Calace, Kellaris and Wolki
Weaver Library, East Providence Public Library
Free and open to all

Sunday, April 2, 2023
3:00 pm • Cherry Street Players
Classical with a Twist - "Women in Time"
Allison - Yoshie Eldredge, cello and Yoshie Akimoto, piano perform Trester's "Song Without Words"
Markus Placci,violin performs selections from Trester's "Partita No. 2" for unaccompanied violin
Tickets: $25, Students (under 18): $5
Newton Cultural Alliance/The Allen Center
35 Webster Street, West Newton

Sunday, April 2, 2023
2:00 pm • Eleuthera Trio at First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton
Babajanian Trio in f sharp minor
Bruch Romanian Melody No. 5
Brahms Trio No. 1 in B Major, Op. 8
TICKETS: $50 (Contact Pat Rohan: jprohan@verizon.net)
*All proceeds donated to First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

Tuesday, March 21, 2023
7:30 pm • Eleuthera Trio at Brookhaven
Babajanian Trio in f sharp minor
Bruch Romanian Melody No. 5
Brahms Trio No. 1 in B Major, Op. 8

Tuesday, March 14, 2023
11:00 am and 7:00 pm • Shelter Music Boston
Voices of Hope - Public Concerts
Trester's "In A Haiku" - a setting of Laurel Lee Lambert's poetry
Featuring SMB musicians and collaborators, and the Black Seed Writers Group
The 2022 Julie Leven Artistic Project
Cathedral Church of St. Paul
138 Tremont St., Boston

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
12:00 pm • Philadelphia Viola Society
Women's Day Virtual concert
Selections from Trester's "The Violists In My Life"

Tuesday, March 7, 2023
7:30 pm • The Azure World
Works by Dr. Francine Trester
David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music
With: Carrie Cheron, Lois Shaprio, David Wallace, Consuelo Sherba, Scott Woolweaver, Francine Trester (violin/viola), Kristen Watson and Eric Sawyer

Saturday, March 4, 2023
9:45 am • Crescent Arts Center, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Anselm McDonnell, guitar
Program includes Trester's "My Darling's Slumber"

Thursday, November 17, 2022
5:30 pm • Catching Dreams
Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar
Upham’s Corner Branch of the Boston Public Library
Music by: Laurie Spiegel, Anthony Green, Jim Dalton, Michael Veloso, John Johnstone, and Francine Trester

Saturday, October 22nd, 2022
6 - 9:30 pm • The Martin Mihm Memorial Concert:
An evening of classical music with world renowned musicians
With the Eleuthera Trio - all proceeds benefit the Vietnam Vascular Anomalies Center
Francine Trester, violin, Julie Reimann, cello, Lois Shapiro, piano
First Church 66 Marlborough St, Boston, MA 02116

Saturday, October 1, 2022
3 pm • Boston Classical Guitar Society Presents:
The Providence Mandolin Orchestra
Includes Trester's "Three Movements for Mandolin Orchestra"
Multipurpose Room, 138 Tufts Library - 46 Broad Street
Weymouth, MA 02188

Sunday, September 25, 2022
3 pm • The New York Chamber Music Festival
Christ & St. Stephen's Church 120 W. 69th St., New York City
Artists: HOWARD WALL, horn (formerly with The New York Philharmonic and The Philadelphia Orchestra), ELMIRA DARVAROVA, violin (Grammy-nominated concert violinist; former Concertmaster, The Metropolitan Opera),
With the participation of composer and poet FRANCINE TRESTER, Professor of Composition at Berklee College (world-premiere of Trester’s duo for violin & horn “Prohodna”). For tickets: info@newyorkchambermusicfestival.org

Saturday, September 24, 2022
8 pm • Performance of Trester’s Chamber Opera “Florence Comes Home”
"I Hear America Singing" - Aurea Ensemble; St. Paul's, Pawtucket
With: Aurea Ensemble and vocalists Carrie Cheron, Brianna Robinson and RaShaun Campbell

Tuesday, September 20, 2022
7:30 pm • Berklee Composition Department Faculty Recital;  David Friend Recital Hall
Carrie Cheron, voice, Francine Trester, violin, Eileen Huang, piano
Selections from Trester’s “Universal Orlando"

Sunday, September 18, 2022
3 pm • Eleuthera Trio performs at First Unitarian Society of Newton
Francine Trester, violin, Julie Reimann, piano, Lois Shapiro, piano
$25 adults, $15 students, $65 discounted family of 4
Proceeds to benefit Doctors Without Borders

Thursday, September 15, 2022
7:30 pm • Eleuthera Trio performs at Lasell
Francine Trester, violin, Julie Reimann, piano, Lois Shapiro, piano
Free admission

September 10, 2022
2 pm • Amherst College: Five College New Music Festival
Premiere of Trester’s “Parentheticals” for two violins
Presented by Amherst College Composition and String Department

Wednesday, September 7, 2022
6:00 pm Reception; 6:30 Program • Annual Music and Meaning Concert Celebration
Shelter Music Boston
Selections from SMB’s 2022 Julie Leven Artistic Project, “Voices of Hope”
The Garden at Elm Bank, 900 Washington Street, Wellesley, MA

Sunday, August 14, 2022
4 pm • Boston Conservatory Room T401
Animals Like Us - an afternoon of premieres:
"The Violists in My Life" and "Companion Tales" by Francine Trester; "Animal Songs" and "Day by Dawn" by Eric Sawyer
Francine Trester, violin/viola, Eric Sawyer, piano, Kristen Watson, soprano
Texts by the composers; visual art by Trester

Friday, July 8, 2022
7:30 pm • Boston Summer Singers - "Songs of Peace and Love"
Luca Antonucci, Director
With guests Dave McLellan, guitar and Lois Shapiro, piano

Includes Trester's "Dreamcatcher"
Church of the Covenant - 67 Newbury St Boston
Suggested donation $20 to benefit the Women's Lunch Place

Sunday, June 26, 2022
7:00 pm • Providence Mandolin Orchestra
"For Plucked Strings and Recorders"
Includes Trester's "Three Movements for Mandolin Orchestra"
$10 - https://www.providencemandolin.org/

Friday, May 27, 2022
4:30 pm • Nights Transfigured - Music of the New Lullaby Project
Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar; includes Trester's "My Darling's Slumber"
Kirkland Art Center - Community Residency Concert

Saturday, May 7, 2022

8 pm • In the Spirit of Brahms
The Lilypad, Inman Square
Pianist Lois Shapiro and Violinist Francine Trester
All three Brahms Sonatas plus the premiere of Trester's "Treasury Notes"
All proceeds benefit Birthday Wishes - https://birthdaywishes.org/

Sunday, May 1, 2022
3 pm • Of Beasts and Brutes
Mirror Visions Ensemble
Syrinx Concerts Toronto
Music by Franicine Trester, Scott Wheeler, Christopher Berg and more

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

7:30 pm • New England Conservatory: Jordan Hall
Premiere of Trester's "Her Lines"
Saxophone Ensemble Concert

Sunday, April 3, 2022
8 pm • Merkin Hall, NYC
Mirror Visions Ensemble premieres Trester’s “A Fable for Tomorrow"

Friday, April 1, 2022
7:30 pm • First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church, Arlington, MA
Kalliope Reed Quintet performs "This"
Words and music by Francine Trester; commissioned by
the Boston Woodwind Society
Works by Jenni Brandon, Miguel del Aguila, Daniel Cueto, Bach

Sunday, March 20, 2022
2:30 pm • Forest Park Public Library, Forest Park, IL
"More Than Muses"
Sapphire Woodwind Quintet showcases music composed by women throughout history - featured are living composers such as Alexandra Molnar-Suhajda, Francine Trester, and Amy Riebs Mills.

Saturday, March 19, 2022
7:30 pm • Cape Cod Cultural Center, Yarmouth MA
Kalliope Reed Quintet performs "This"
Words and music by Francine Trester; commissioned by
the Boston Woodwind Society
Works by Becky Turro and Jenni Brandon

Monday, February 21, 2022
7 pm • Boston Landmarks Orchestra
Streaming of Trester's "A Walk In Her Shoes"
With Carrie Cheron and Brianna Robinson, vocal soloists

Wednesday, February 9, 2022
8 pm • Boston Conservatory at Berklee
Sharan Leventhal annual studio recital
Trester's "Dualities" for two violins; words and music by the composer

Friday, October 22, 2021
8 pm • The 42nd Annual Bowling Green New Music Festival Bowling Green State University – Kobacker Hall
Michael Hall, viola and Marianne Parker, piano
Francine Trester's "The Daniel Burnham Suite;" program also includes music by Pierce Gradone, Augusta Read Thomas, Sharon Hartanto, Stacy Garrop and Michelle McQuade Dewhirst
Concerts will be streamed live:

Sunday, October 3, 2021
11 am • Chicago Ear Taxi Festival
City Beautiful: featuring Laurel Black, Michael Hall, Megan Ihnen, and Marianne Parker
Premiere of Francine Trester's "The Daniel Burnham Suite"

Sunday, October 3, 2021
4 pm • Hendricks Chapel, Syracuse University
Mirror Visions: This Land Is Ours

Tuesday, September 21, 2021
7:30 pm • Berklee Composition Department Faculty Concert
Cellist Mickey Katz plays miniatures by Francine Trester, Marti Epstein and Andrew List; works by Larry Thomas Bell, Beth Denisch, Ann Goldberg-Baldwin, Margaret Mcallister, and Orlando Cela performs music by Robert Dick

Wednesday, September 1, 2021
7 pm • Boston Landmarks Orchestra premieres "A Walk In Her Shoes"
Words and music by Francine Trester; commissioned by
BLO; recipient of a Berklee Faculty Fellowship
With Carrie Cheron and Brianna Robinson, vocal soloists
DCR's Hatch Memorial Shell

Saturday, July 10,2021
7 pm • Kalliope Reed Quintet premieres "This"
Words and music by Francine Trester; commissioned by
the Boston Woodwind Society
New City Church, Newton
Admission free

Saturday, May 29, 2021
4 pm • David McLellan, guitar
"An Exquisite Sandwich - Lush Beauty and Exhilaration"
Groupmuse $3 registration

Friday, May 21, 2021
8 pm • Recital: Pauline Tan
Bard College Conservatory
Sections from Trester's "Nahant Calling"

Thursday, May 13, 2021
6:30 pm • Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar
Jacob Edwards Library of Southbridge, MA
Admission free
Register: https://umassboston.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAlf-ugqjstE924BYBgAqcskx-f5dhV6wHP
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/184161286755996

Sunday, May 9, 2021
3 pm • "Music She Wrote: Songs By and About Women"
Vocal selections with Grace Allendorf, Carrie Cheron, Brianna Robinson
Featuring pianist Timothy Steele and additional vocalists from the Boston Area
A one-hour benefit concert to raise money for Rosie's Place, a women's shelter in Boston
Livestream - one per device, $10

Monday, May 3, 2021
4 pm • Recital: David Smyth
Longy School of Music
Selections from Trester's "Bus 66"

Wednesday, April 28, 2021
8:30 pm • Boston Neighborhood Network airs "Around Town"
Featuring Trester's "Voices from the Boston Women's Memorial"
With singers Carrie Cheron, Brianna Robinson and violinist Francine Trester
Sponsored by BNN and the Boston Women's Heritage Trail
WATCH Around Town
BNN News & Information | Xfinity Channel 9 | RCN Channel 15  | Fios Channel 2161 | Streamed live on bnnmedia.org

Sunday, April 25, 2021
1 pm • Graduate Recital: Nathalie Mejia
Hockett Family Recital Hall, Ithaca College
Trester's "Patricia's Aria" for trumpet and piano

Sunday, March 21, 2021
10 am • Boston Women's Memorial
Singers Carrie Cheron and Brianna Robison, and violinist Francine Trester premiere Trester's "Voices from the Women's Memorial"
Presentation from the Mayor's Office of Women's Advancement
In collaboration with Michelle Jenney and the Boston Women's Heritage Trail

Sunday, February 14, 2021
7 pm • Foro Internacional de Música Nueva Manuel Enríquez
Jorge Hoyo, saxophone and Sergio Solis perform Trester's "Reminiscence" (México premiere)
Link to performance:

Sunday, December 5, 2020
7 pm • Solidarity Salon: Virtual Version!
Music, stories and poetry
With Elizabeth Anker, Contralto
Trester's "Thaw" and improvisation

Sunday, November 22, 2020
7:30 pm • Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory of Music
NEC Saxophone Ensemble and Quartet: Schuller, Trester, & Pierné
Trester's "Red Sox Blue Sax"

Sunday, November 15, 2020
1 pm • Boston New Music Festival
Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar performs compositions from his forthcoming albums and anthology "Nights Transfigured;" includes Trester's "Lullaby For Our Time"

Tuesday, November 10, 2020
8 pm • Boston New Music Festival
Aaron Larget-Caplan, guitar performs compositions from his forthcoming albums and anthology "Nights Transfigured;" includes Trester's "Lullaby For Our Time"

Sunday, October 4, 2020 POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19
7:30 pm • Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall
Elmira Darvarova, "From Bach to Blues"
Violin recital includes works by Trester; Presented by the New York Chamber Music Festival

Saturday, August 22, 2020
8:00 pm • "In the Spirit of Brahms:” a recital of all three Brahms Sonatas and the premiere of “Treasury Notes” by Trester; Francine Trester, Violin, Lois Shapiro, Piano
$15 - proceeds benefit BirthdayWishes https://birthdaywishes.org/
The Lilypad, Cambridge https://www.lilypadinman.com/

Wednesday, August 12, 2020 POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19
7:00 pm • Boston Landmarks Orchestra Hatch Shell/Esplanade premiere of  Trester's “A Walk In Her Shoes,” words and music by Francine Trester; the piece commemorates the centennial of the passing of the 19th Amendment and is sponsored by a Berklee Faculty Fellowship; with Carrie Cheron and Brianna Robinson, vocal soloists

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19
6:30 • BU Tanglewood Institute
Trinity Church, 88 Walker Street, Lenox, MA
Kenneth Radnofsky, Saxophone BUTI Faculty Recital
Trester's "Street Views" and "Reminiscences"
With Yoshiko Kline and Thomas Weaver, piano, Francine Trester, violin

Tuesday, June 23, 2020
9:00 pm • New Music Gathering
Facebook Livestream/Broadcast
Trester's "Lullaby for Our Time;” written for and premiered by Guitarist Aaron Larget- Caplan; with visual artist Laura Sofia Perez;
works by Scott Wheeler, Ken Ueno, Stefanie Lubkowski, and Jacob Masha

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19
7 pm *  Providence Arts Festival, Providence Public Library
Aurea Ensemble presents Trester's "Florence Comes Home"
a chamber opera about legendary composer Florence Price
Performed by Aurea Ensemble with Brianna Robinson, Carrie Cheron, and Shaun Campbell
Commissioned by Shelter Music Boston

Sunday, May 24, 2020
7:30 pm • “Night Transfigured:” afternoon and evening Groupmuse premiere performances of “Lullaby for Our Time;” written for and premiered by Guitarist Aaron Larget- Caplan; with visual artist Laura Sofia Perez

Sunday, May 17, 2020
3 pm • Free Sunday Series at the Rivers School Conservatory
Artist-in-Residence Lois Shapiro, piano
Gabriela Diaz, violin
Kristen Wilson, soprano
Kindred Spirits: Music of Ravel, Faure, Sawyer and Trester

Monday, April 13, 2020
7:30 pm • Fran and Marti's Violin and Piano Extravaganza
Marti Epstein, piano, Francine Trester, violin
Mozart: e minor sonata, K. 304
Trester:  "Universal Orlando" - words and music by the composer - with Carrie Cheron, mezzo
Cage: "Six Melodies"
Epstein: "The Road to Vermillion"
David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music

Monday, March 23, 2020
6:30 • The Music Mansion, 88 Meeting Street Providence, RI 02906
Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan and violist Michael Hall
features duos by Francine Trester, John Anthony Lennon, Darleen Mitchell, Antonio Celso Ribeiro, and Thomas L. Read, and 'Steps & Leaps' by Tom Flaherty for guitar & computer.

Information & Tickets: https://nowmusiqueprovidence.bpt.me
Reserved seating: $20
General seating: $20 Suggested donation.
No one will be turned away (unless full).

Sunday, March 22, 2020
7: 30 pm • Arlington Street Church, Chapel, 351 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116
Trester's  "Borrowed Blue" for guitar and viola
Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan and violist Michael Hall

Concert also features viola solos by Alice Shields, David Froom, Mattew Delacey Davidson, guitar solos by David Liptak and Barabar Jazwinski, duos by John Anthony Lennon, Darleen Mitchell, Antonio Celso Ribeiro, and Thomas L. Read, and the world premiere of 'Steps & Leaps' by Tom Flaherty for guitar & computer.

VIP Tickets are available and include a CD or album download of choice.

Saturday, March 21, 2020
7 pm • Solidarity Salon
Community Church of Boston
565 Boylston Street, Boston MA (Copley Square)
Liz Anker, Jennifer Barber, Toni Bee, Judah Leblang, Lauren Leja,
Lee Okan, In Paik, Renuka Raghavan, Francine Trester, Anna Warrock

Saturday, March 21, 2020
7:30 pm • OPERA America's National Opera Center, 330 7th Ave, New York, NY 10001
The American Composers Alliance sponsors two concerts in New York City.  Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan performs with violist Michael Hall for concerts of living composers.
Music by Barbara Jazwinsi, Thomas Flaherty*, Thomas L. Read*, Francine Trester, David Liptak, John Anthony Lennon, Darleen Mitchel and more.

operaamerica.org • (212) 796-8630

Sunday, February 23, 2020
3:00 pm • Grant Recital Hall, Brown University
1 Young Orchard Avenue, Providence, United States
Trester's "Florence Comes Home"
a chamber opera about legendary composer Florence Price
Performed by Aurea Ensemble with Brianna Robinson, Carrie Cheron, and Shaun Campbell
Commissioned by Shelter Music Boston

Monday, February 3, 2020
7:30 pm • Berklee Composition Department Faculty Concert
Trester's "Street Views" - words and music by the composer
Francine Trester, violin, Kenneth Radnofsky, saxophone, Thomas Weaver, piano

Sunday, February 2, 2020
8:00 pm • Kenneth Radnofsky Faculty Recital
Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory
Kenneth Radnofsky, saxophone, Yoshiko Kline, piano
Trester's "Reminiscence" for saxophone and piano; words and music by the composer


Wednesday, January 29, 2020
7 pm •  Hurd Hall at The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Mirror Visions: This Land Is Ours
600 N Wolfe St Baltimore, MD

Sunday, January 19, 2020
2 pm • Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art
Hartford, CT
Mirror Visions: This Land Is Ours
Concert preceded by a 1:15 tour of Afrocosmologies: American Reflections
Tickets $20-$25

Sunday, November 24th, 2019

3 pm • Faneuil Hall, 1 Faneuil Hall Square
"Nights, Streets and Serious Things"
Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms Society performs
Trester's "Street Views"
Steven Lipsitt, conductor
Elmira Darvarova, violin, Kenneth Radnofsky, saxophone

Thursday, October 17, 2019
6 pm • Pine Manor College, 400 Heath St., Chestnut Hill, MA
"Florence Comes Home"
a chamber opera about legendary composer Florence Price
Libretto and music by Francine Trester
Commissioned and Premiered by Shelter Music Boston

Performed as part of SMB's Annual Gala
Additional Performance Schedule:

Monday, October 14, 2019
7:30 pm • Berklee Composition Department Faculty Concert
Trester's "Street Views" - words and music by the composer
Francine Trester, violin, Kenneth Radnofsky, saxophone, Thomas Weaver, piano

Sunday, October 6th, 2019
8:00 pm • Kenneth Radnofsky Faculty Recital
Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory
Kenneth Radnofsky, saxophone, Yoshiko Kline, piano
Trester's "Reminiscence" for saxophone and piano; words and music by the composer

Tuesday, September 24, 2019
7:30 pm • Guest Artist Concert
Bezanson Hall, UMass Amherst
Kenneth Radnofsky, saxophone, Yoshiko Kline, piano
Trester's "Reminiscence" for saxophone and piano; words and music by the composer
works by Creston, Grofe, and Schuller

Saturday, September 21, 2019
7 pm • French Cultural Center of Boston
53 Marlborough St.
Members: $14; Non-Members: $24

Chants de l’amour et de la nature
American artists baritone Matthew Hoch and guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan present an Art Song recital by French and American composers, including the world premiere of Trester's "Mineral Spirits," words and music by the composer.

Thursday, September 19, 2019
Begins a series of 50 world-wide premieres of "Reminiscence," for alto sax and piano. In memory of Darryl Malone and commissioned by World-Wide Concurrent Premieres and Commissioning Fund, Inc.

Participating Performers: Phil Barham, Kenny Baik, Jorge Hoyo, Ed Orgill, Kenneth Tse, Preston Duncan, Julia Nolan, Wallace Halladay, Chien-Kwan Lin, Marie-Chantal Leclair, Jan Berry Baker, Matthew Sintchak, Pei-Yen Huang, Jonathan Hulting-Cohen, Bob Jones, Carrie Koffman, Jennifer Bill, Geoff Landman, Randall Hall, Jon Amon, Amy McGlothlin, Kangyi Liu, Greg Ridlington, John Rabinowitz, Jeremy Brown, George Weremchuk, Lannah Fitzgerald, Samuel Lorber, Scott Plugge, Clint Schmitt, Claude Delangle, David Stambler, Dennis Shafer, Kristine Gray, Andy Wilds, Bennett Parsons, Michael Ethier, Gail Levinsky, David Demsey, Clifford Leaman, Michael Couper, David Henderson, Nate Jorgensen, Dave Wozniak, Mark Kraszewski, Benjamin Sorrell, Sean Mix, Emily Cox, Merryl Goldberg, Ken Radnofsky

Kenneth Radnofsky performs "Reminiscence:"
Sept. 19 Shanghai conservatory. 2nd Asian Saxophone Congress
Sept. 21 Vermont International Academy, Guangzhou, China

Saturday, September 7, 2019

7:30 pm • Five College New Music Festival 2019
Bezanson Hall, UMass Amherst
Selections from Trester's "An Oman Odyssey"'
Junko Watanabe, soprano, William Hite, tenor, Hiromi Fukuda, piano

Tuesday, June 18, 2019
6:30 • BU Tanglewood Institute
Trinity Church, 88 Walker Street, Lenox, MA
Kenneth Radnofsky, Saxophone BUTI Faculty Recital
Trester's "Street Views"
With Francine Trester, violin and Thomas Weaver, piano

Saturday, June 15, 2019
7 pm • Nahant Town Hall
Premiere of Trester's chamber opera, "Keepers of the Light"
Libretto and Music by Francine Trester
Stage directed by Joshua Major
Music directed by Timothy Steele
Featuring the 2019 Donald R. Wilkinson Vocal Apprentices
Nahant Music Festival Chorus directed by Eric Christopher Perry

Sunday, April 28, 2019

3 pm • First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton
Premiere of Trester's  "Sekelela" for Choir and Piano Trio
With the Triple Helix Piano Trio
Communities Without Borders Concert
1326 Washington Street, Newton MA

Saturday, April 27, 2019
2:30 pm • Musée des Arts Décoratifs (Louvre)
Mirror Visions Ensemble: This Land is Ours
107 rue de Rivoli
Paris, France

Saturday, April 13, 2019
7 pm • Arlington Street Church, Chapel, 351 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116
Premiere of Trester's  "Borrowed Blue"
Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan debuts his curated series "Now Musique"
Guest artist Michael Hall, viola
New works written for the duo by Antonio Celoso Ribeiro (Brazil), Samuel Adler, plus solos for guitar and viola
Admission: TBA

Saturday, April 13, 2019
5 pm • Roeliff Jansen Community Library in Hillsdale, NY
Mirror Visions Ensemble: This Land is Ours

Sunday, March 31, 2019
5 pm • Sheen Center in New York, NY
Mirror Visions Ensemble: This Land is Ours

A sung celebration of urban, suburban, and rural life - its moods, landscapes and sounds.  Featured is music by immigrants (Kurt Weill, Paul Hindemith, Hanns Eisler, and rich Korngold), women (Ruth Crawford Seeger, Francine Trester), and African Americans (Adolphus Hailstork, Brittney Boykin, Florence Price and Leslie Adams), as well as by classic American composers (Charles Ives, Leonard Bernstein, Samuel Barber, and Pete Seeger).

Abigail Levis, mezzo-soprano
Scott Murphree, tenor
Mischa Bouvier, baritone
Grant Wenaus, piano

Tuesday, February 19, 2019
8 pm •  Samantha Stiner, contralto, Gregory DiBona, piano
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Dublin, Ohio
Selections from Trester's "Domestic Affairs"

Thursday, January 24, 2019
7:00 pm • Berklee Composition Department Faculty Concert (note time change from 7:30 pm to 7:00 pm)
Trester: An Oman Odyssey (cycle of original words and music; inspired by the etchings of reclusive artist Sheridan Oman of the American Southwest)

Performed by the Mirror Visions Ensemble
Justine Aronson, soprano
Scott Murphree, tenor
Mischa Bouvier, baritone
Sara Kohane, piano

Sunday, January 20, 2019
5:30 pm • House for an Art Lover
10 Dumbreck Rd
Glasgow, G41 5BW
Scotland, UK

Mirror Visions Ensemble: Of Beasts and Brutes
Mireille Asselin/soprano, Scott Murphree/tenor, Mischa Bouvier/baritone, Margaret Kampmeier/pianist

Selections from Trester's "An Oman Odyssey" (words and music by the composer)

Thursday, January 17, 2019
7:30 pm • Welshpool Music Club
Mirror Visions Ensemble: Of Beasts and Brutes
Welshpool Music Club in Welshpool, Wales

Sunday, January 13, 2019
5 pm • American Church in Paris
Mirror Visions Ensemble: Of Beasts and Brutes
65 Quai d'OrsayParis, Île-de-France, 75007 France

Saturday, January 12, 2019
7:30 pm • The Lilypad
Trester's "Israfel" for violin and piano and "Artsonia" for voice, violin and piano (words and music by the composer)
Artwork by Chloe Carrano
Francine Trester, violin, Eric Sawyer, piano, Kristen Watson, soprano

Sunday, September 30, 2018

8:00 pm • Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory
Amram Ensemble premieres Trester's "Street Views"
Accompanying poetry by the composer
Elmira Darvarova, violin, Ken Radnofsky, saxophone, Thomas Weaver, piano

Premiere of Joan Tower's "Second Flight;" David Amram's "Greenwich Village Portraits;" video by Conrad Kline; with pianist Yoshiko Kline

Sunday, August 26, 2018
3:00 pm • Buckley Recital Hall, Amherst, MA
Premieres: Trester's "Israfel" for violin and piano and "Artsonia" for voice, violin and piano (words and music by the composer)
Artwork by Chloe Carrano
Francine Trester, violin, Eric Sawyer, piano, Kristen Watson, soprano

Friday, August 24, 2018
7:30 pm • Boston Conservatory Room T401
Premieres: Trester's "Israfel" for violin and piano and "Artsonia" for voice, violin and piano (words and music by the composer)
Artwork by Chloe Carrano
Francine Trester, violin, Eric Sawyer, piano, Kristen Watson, soprano

Shelter Music Boston collaborative project: "Water for My Soul"
Trester's "In Our Own Words"
Text by SMB audience members
Julie Leven, violin
Jennie Dorris, marimba
Project also includes works by Yu-Hui Chang and Danielle Williams

Performance Schedule
Sunday, August 19, 2018 Lifebridge, Salem 8:00 PM
Monday, August 20, 2018 PSI Women's, Boston 7:00 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2018 Caspar Shelter, Cambridge 6:00 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2018 Shattuck Stabilization Center 3:00 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2018 PSI Shattuck, Jamaica Plain 7:00 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2018 Dimock Women's Center, Roxbury 7:00 PM
Friday, August 24, 2018 Dimock Men's Center, Roxbury 7:00 PM

Wednesday, July 18, 2018
6:30 pm • Music and Poetry at the Fletch'
Guitar duo Mark and Beverly Davis perform Trester's "Cold Mountain Songs"
Fletcher Memorial Library
257 Main St., Hampton, CT 06247

Thursday, June 14, 2018
1:15 pm • International Festival of Arts & Ideas in New Haven, CT.
Guitartist Aaron Larget-Caplan presents "Night Songs of the World"
Music by: Koji Nakano, Milad Yousufi, Stephanie Ann Boyd, Ken Ueno, Scott Wheeler, Francine Trester, Jim Dalton, Thomas Schuttenhelm, Thomas L. Read, Ricardo Odriozola, Barnaby Oliver

Friday, May 18, 2018
7:30 pm • Middlebury SongFest
"Wild and Wonderful..." all things natural, seasonal, and romantic
Elizabeth Anker, contralto, Peter Cirka, piano
select songs by Francine Trester

Middlebury Community Music Center
6 Main Street, Middlebury, VT

Thursday, May 10, 2018
6:00 pm • Celebrate  Richard Pittman's 20th Year as Music Director of the New England Philharmonic

Sarah Pelletier, soprano and Lois Shapiro, piano perform Trester's "Elemental Emily," a song cycle of poems by Emily Dickinson

An evening of mingling, wine, beer, hors d'oeuvres...and music!

Saturday, April 7, 2018
3:30 pm •  Mirror Visions Ensemble: Le bestiaire de monsieur Lalli
Musée des art décoratifs (Louvre)
107 rue de Rivoli
Paris France
Selections from Trester's "An Oman Odyssey"(words and music by the composer)

Saturday, April 7, 2018
7:30 pm •  Music at Colby Series - Dawn
Eric Christopher Perry, conductor; Colby College Chorale and Colby Kennebec Choral Society
Trester's "Walkers with the Dawn" - text by Langton Hughes. Works by Ingari, Mobley, Thompson, Diemer, Chilcott, Bantock, and Samuel Barber. Throughout the concert, please peruse original poetic works by students of Colby College’s Creative Writing Department, found in the foyer of Lorimer Chapel. Lorimer Chapel / Chapel, Rose and Lounge

Friday, March 23, 2018
11:00 pm  • All Newton Music School
Con Brio Lunch Club
321 Chestnut St., W. Newton

Mockingbird Trio:
Elizabeth Anker, contralto
Scott Woolweaver, viola
John McDonald, piano

Howard Frazin: “A Wren” and “Lullaby”
John McDonald: “Equinox,” “The Mockingbird of Mockingbirds,” “From the Fall of the Sparrow”
Francine Trester: “A Field Guide to Backyard Birds”
$30 – Single Tickets

Monday, March 12, 2018
8:00 pm •  Mirror Visions Ensemble: Of Beasts and Brutes
Sheen Center's Loreto Theater
18 Bleecker Street
New York NY
Selections from Trester's "An Oman Odyssey"(words and music by the composer)

Sunday, March 11, 2018
3:00 pm • All Newton Music School
Scott’s 60th Birthday
30th Year at All Newton Music School
All Newton Music School
321 Chestnut St., W. Newton
Scott Woolweaver, viola

Deborah Boldin, flute
Peter Janson, guitar
Karen Kaderavek, cello
Elizabeth Anker, contralto
John McDonald, piano

Joseph Martin Kraus (1756-1792): Duo in D Major for Flute and Viola
Peter Janson: New Work
John McDonald: New Work
Rebecca Clarke (1886-1979): Lullaby for Viola and Cello
Francine Trester: Domestic Affairs
Howard Frazin: Sonata for Viola and Piano

Free Admission

Gala Reception

Wednesday, February 28, 2018
8 pm • Boston Conservatory at Berklee
Sharan Leventhal annual studio concert of new works
Premiere of Trester's "Dualities" for two violins; words and music by the composer

Saturday, February 17, 2018
3:30 pm •  Mirror Visions Ensemble: Of Beasts and Brutes
House Concert in Hamden, CT
Selections from Trester's "An Oman Odyssey"(words and music by the composer)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
12:30 pm * University of Massachusetts
Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan performs solos from his New Lullaby Project
Program includes Trester's "Dreamcatcher"

Saturday, February 3, 2018
2:30 pm •  Mirror Visions Ensemble: Of Beasts and Brutes
New York Library for the Performing Arts
Bruno Walter Auditorium at Lincoln Center
111 Amsterdam Avenue
New York NY
Premiere of selections from Trester's "An Oman Odyssey"(words and music by the composer)

Sunday, November 5, 2017
4:00 pm • Aurea: A Mortal Melody – Music, Poetry & Song Entwined
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
50 Orchard Av Providence, RI
Admission: $30 / $25 Senior / $8 Student
program includes Trester's “Elemental Emily," a song cycle of poems by Emily Dickinson
Sarah Pelletier, soprano and Lois Shapiro, piano
Works by Loeffler, Debussy and Clarke
With Cheryl Bishkoff, oboe, Katherine Winterstein, violin and Aurea artistic diretor, Consuelo Sherba, viola
Featuring Tina Cane, Rhode Island Poet Laureate

Saturday, September 9th, 2017
7:30 pm •  Hot off the Press: Samantha Stiner, contralto, Gregory DiBona, piano
Immmaculata University, Pennsylvania on Saturday
Selections from Trester's "Domestic Affairs"

Saturday, June 3, 2017
7:30 pm • World Premiere Song Cycles:
"Nahant Calling" words and music by Francine Trester
"Audubon's Birds" music by Eddy, Pesci, Sawyer, Spratlin, Torrey, Trester, and Ying

Donald Wilkinson, baritone, Peggy Pearson, oboe, Martha Moor, harp, Sheila Kibbe and Tim Steele, piano. Featuring vocal apprentices from the Nahant Music Festival.

St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 248 Nahant Rd, Nahant, MA 01908

Sunday, May 14, 2017
7:00 pm • Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory
“Walkers with the Dawn," a Celebration of Langston Hughes for baritone solo, choir, and orchestra
Robert Honeysucker, soloist
Commissioned by The Rivers School
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
6:00 pm • Merger Music: a Berklee and Boston Conservatory Collaborative Concert
"Mergings" for violin and viola by Francine Trester
Brahms G major String Sextet No.2, Op. 36
selections from "String Circle" by Kenji Bunch

Berklee & Boston Conservatory faculty performers: Jeremiah-Everard Barcus, cello, Sara Caswell, violin, Melissa Howe, viola, Rhonda Rider, cello, Francine Trester, violin, and David Wallace, viola

Boston Conservatory Studio 401, 31 Hemenway Street, 4th Floor, Boston, MA

Saturday, February 25, 2017
1:30 pm • New Lulabies at the ICA
Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan performs solos from his New Lullaby Project
Institute of Contemporary Art, 25 Harbor Shore Drive, Boston, 02210
Kids free, Parents free with accompanying child.
www.icaboston.org/ • (617) 478-3100
Pajamas are welcome!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
7:30 pm • Merger Music: a Berklee and Boston Conservatory Collaborative Concert
"Mergings" for violin and viola by Francine Trester (world premiere)
Brahms F major viola quintet
selections from "String Circle" by Kenji Bunch

accompanying choreography by Boston Conservatory dancers
Berklee & Boston Conservatory faculty performers: Sara Caswell, violin, Melissa Howe, viola, Rhonda Rider, cello, Francine Trester, violin, and David Wallace, viola

Sunday, May 1, 2016
3:00 pm • The Rivers School Conservatory
“The Emerging Self Series"
Sarah Pelletier, Soprano
Lois Shapiro, Piano
Pre-Concert Talk at 2 p.m.
“My Business is to Sing: Giving Voice to Poetry of Emily Dickinson”
Song Cycles by Francine Trester, Bauer, Copland, and Sawyer

Saturday, April 9, 2016
8:00 pm • Pickman Hall at Longy School of Music
“A Robert Lowry Reader," a song cycle on texts by Robert Lowry
Commissioned by Jayne West
Leanne Estabrook, soprano
Monday, April 4, 2016
6:30 pm • Berk Recital Hall at Berklee College of Music
“Elemental Emily," a song cycle of poems by Emily Dickinson
Commissioned by Lois Shapiro and Sarah Pelletier
Sarah Pelletier, soprano and Lois Shapiro, piano
Presented as part of Berklee College of Music’s Composition Department’s second annual Words and Music Festival

Saturday, March 26, 2016
7:00 pm • Spectrum
121 Ludlow St. 2nd floor
New York, New York 10011

The Zodiac Trio performs "Zodiac: Across the Universe"
12 Movements - 12 Different Composers
Francine Trester: Fire Sign – ARIES

Sunday, September 27, 2015

7:30 pm • Scottish Clarinet Quartet

The players of the Scottish Clarinet Quartet are joined by actor Crawford Logan to present an evening centred on the world of Scottish Romanticism, which produced Burns, Scott and Hogg, and where rural beliefs in the supernatural were increasingly challenged by a growing urban culture. James Hogg was split between his sheep-farming origins and life in literary Edinburgh: music and text pick up on his friendship and rivalry with Sir Walter Scott and explore the debt that Scotland’s cultural identity owes to its folklore. With original works by composers Tom David Wilson, Judith Weir, Francine Trester, Becky Milne and Richard Ingham.

Swallow Theatre

Moss Park, Ravenstone, Whithorn,

Scotland, DG8 8DR,

United Kingdom

Tickets: £10


Friday, September 25, 2015

7:00 pm • Scottish Clarinet Quartet


A programme of music commissioned by the Scottish Clarinet Quartet and directly inspired by the writings of Sir Walter Scott and James Hogg, performed in the beautiful setting of the Abbotsford Library.  The concert will feature the first performance of Tom David Wilson's Wringhim his deamons and the UK première of Francine Trester's Many Miles Away, accompanied by works inspired by Scottish history and folk traditions.

United Kingdom

Tickets: £12


Wednesday, July 15, 2015
7:00 pm • Boston Landmarks Orchestra premiere Trester’s “At the River,” with Jayne West, soprano soloist
DCR Hatch Memorial Shell, Boston, MA

Friday, June 12, 2015
7:30 pm • World Premiere Opera "Sleeping Beauty"
Music and Libretto by Francine Trester
Tickets $20
Nahant Music Festival

Thursday, April 23, 2015
8:00 pm • Words and Music Festival at the Berklee Performance Center
Schoenberg’s “Pierrot Lunaire” with soloist Shinobu Takagi

Francine Trester, violin, Melissa Howe, viola, Arnold Friedman, cello
Wendy Rolfe, flute, Peter Cokkinias, clarinet
Larry Bell, piano

$8 in advance / $12 day of show

Monday, February 23, 2015
7:30 pm • Till Eulenspiegel- einmal anders! (R. Strauss)
Francine Trester, violin, Peter Cokkinias, clarinet, Michael Weinstein, french horn,
Dominick Ferrara, bassoon, Michael Hartt, double bass
Berklee College of Music, David Friend Recital Hall

Monday, September 16, 2014

7:30 pm • Berklee String Department Concert
Felice Pomeranz, harp and Francine Trester, violin perform Trester’s “Juno”
Berklee College of Music, David Friend Recital Hall

Sunday, July 27, 2014
2:00 pm • Aliso Valejo Branch Library, 1 Journey, Orange County
Seats: Free
Information: http://ocpl.org/libloc/aliso/calendar
Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan performs 'Virtuoso Music of the East & West' (includes Trester's "My Darling's Slumber")

Saturday, July 26, 2014
3:00 pm • The Coffee Gallery Backstage, Altadena
Seats: $15, $10 kids
Reservations: (626) 798-6236
Information: http://coffeegallery.com/showsat.htm
Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan performs 'Virtuoso Music of the East & West' (includes California premiere of Trester's "My Darling's Slumber")

Sunday, June 8, 2014

2:00 pm • Central Lutheran Concert Series

Love/Hate: A really passionate recital

Ann Benson, Mezzo Soprano and Eric Moe, Trumpet

Trester: Four Thoreau Songs

512 S. Bernard, Spokane, WA

Free-will offering to benefit the "Music at Central" series.

Tuesday, May 22, 2014
5:00 pm  • St. Petersburg Conservatory
St. Petersburg, Russia
Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan performs Russian premieres of New Lullabies
'My Darling's Slumber' by Francine Trester and 'Ed è Subito Sera' by Ken Ueno

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
7:00 pm • Oval Hall, Russian Foreign Library
Moscow, Russia
Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan performs Russian premieres by
Francine Trester, Kevin Siegfried, Ken Ueno  

Saturday, May 10, 2014

8:00 pm • Saco River Theatre presents Music of the East and West

Location: 29 Salmon Falls Rd, Buxton, ME
Information: 207-929-6472 • http://www.sacorivertheatre.org

Sunday, May 4, 2014

4:00 pm • Oysterville House Concerts presents Music of the East and West
Virtuoso Music of the East & West, includes new works by Nolan Stolz and Francine Trester; Information and Reservations: 360-665-4716 or sydney@willapabay.org

Oysterville, WA


Thursday, April 10, 2014

6:00 pm • Harvard Business School Concert Series* 
Brahms: Clarinet Quintet, Op. 115
Peter Cokkinias, clarinet
Francine Trester, violin I
Mimi Rabson, violin II
Melissa Howe, viola
Patrice Jackson-Tilghman, cello

Trester: A View From Heartbreak Hill (cycle of original words and music)
With Elizabeth Anker, contralto, Melissa Howe, viola, Lois Shapiro, piano


*Private concert, limited availability for guests; please RSVP the composer.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

7:30 pm • SubCulture  • arts underground

Mirror Visions Ensemble, Poetry in Music: The Poetry Linda Pastan and

Jeffrey Greene

Works by Francine Trester, Richard Lalli, Russell Platt, Richard Pearson Thomas, Christopher Berg, Tom Cipullo, Deborah Fischer Teason


45 Bleecker St.
New York, NY, 10012
Thursday, March 27, 2014
7:00 pm • The American University of Paris
Grand Salon, 31 Av. Bosquet
75007 Paris, France
Mirror Visions Ensemble, Poetry in Music: The Poetry Linda Pastan and Jeffrey Greene
Works by Francine Trester, Richard Lalli, Russell Platt, Richard Pearson Thomas, Christopher Berg, Tom Cipullo, Deborah Fischer Teason

Sunday, March 2, 2014
2:00 pm • Newton Free Library ANMS Faculty Recital
Trester: A View From Heartbreak Hill (cycle of original words and music)
With Elizabeth Anker, contralto, Scott Woolweaver, viola, John McDonald, piano

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
7:30 pm • Composers and Friends
Brahms Clarinet Quintet, Op. 115
With Peter Cokkinias, clarinet
Francine Trester, violin I
Mimi Rabson, violin II
Melissa Howe, viola
Patrice Jackson-Tilghman, cello
David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music

Thursday, February 20, 2014
7:30 pm • Berklee Composition Department Faculty Concert
Trester: A View From Heartbreak Hill (cycle of original words and music)
With Elizabeth Anker, contralto, Scott Woolweaver, viola, Lois Shapiro, piano
David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music

Thursday, November 7 - Sunday, November 17, 2013
The Zodiac Trio performs "Zodiac: Across the Universe"
12 Movements - 12 Different Composers -12-City Tour of China
Francine Trester: Fire Sign – ARIES
November 7th - Dalian People's Culture Club
November 9th - Fuling Grand Theater
November 10th - Chongqing Grand Theater
November 11th - Hefei Grand Theater
November 12th – Performing Arts Center of Beijing
November 13th - Changzhou Grand Theater
November 14th - Taicang Grand Theater
November 15th - Yantai Grand Theater
November 16th - Qingdao Grand Theater
November 17th - Henan Art Center

Sunday, November 3, 2013
3:00 pm • ALCYON CHAMBER ENSEMBLE and Parish Center for the Arts present:
Music for String Quartet
With Berklee Chamber Players & Alcyon Ensemble members Francine Trester, Shufang Du, Mimi Rabson, violins, Melissa Howe, viola, and Shanon Snapp, cello
Music by Sallinen, Pärt, Williams, Holland, and Adams

Sunday, September 22, 2013

8:00 pm • Glasgow, Scotland
The Newtown Ensemble performs Trester’s “5 Summer Haiku”

Monday, September 16, 2013
7:30 pm • Berklee String Department Concert
Felice Pomeranz, harp and Francine Trester, violin perform Trester’s “Temple of Concordia”
Berklee College of Music, David Friend Recital Hall

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
7:30 pm • Edinburgh Fringe Festival:
The Newtown Ensemble performs Trester’s “5 Summer Haiku”
St Andrew’s and St George’s West, George St

Friday, July 26, 2013
3:30 pm • Scottish Clarinet Quartet
Premiere of Trester’s “Many Miles Away…Five Quotations from Sir Walter Scott”
Commissioned by the Scottish Clarinet Quartet
ClarinetFest 2013
Sala delle Volte
Assisi, Perugia, Italy

Wednesday, March 11, 2013

7:30 pm • Berklee Chamber Players Concert, Berklee College of Music
Shostakovich: String Quartet No. 8
Francine Trester, violin I
Mariana Green-Hill, violin II
Melissa Howe, viola
Patrice Jackson-Tilghman, cello
David Friend Recital Hall

Monday, March 4, 2013
7: 30 pm • 20th- and 21st-Century Music
New compositions by faculty composers, as well as music by outstanding 20th-century composers.
The music will be performed by vocal and instrumental ensembles.
David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music

Monday, February 25, 2013
7: 30 pm • Jerry Gates: All Sides
Professor Jerry Gates presents a concert featuring a wide variety of music composed and performed by both himself and other faculty.
Trester: Five Spring Haiku (cycle of original words and music)
With Peter Cokkinias, clarinet, Francine Trester, violin, Louis Stewart, piano, Kathryn Wright, narrator
David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music

Monday, February 11, 2013
7: 30 pm • Composition Department Faculty Concert
Trester: Five Spring Haiku (cycle of original words and music)
With Peter Cokkinias, clarinet, Francine Trester, violin, Louis Stewart, piano, Kathryn Wright, narrator
David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music 

Sunday, October 21, 2012
4 pm • The Mockingbird Trio, Donald Wilkinson and Francine Trester present “334 Bunnies,” a one-act chamber opera by Francine Trester
Ellingwood Chapel Concert Series, Nahant, MA

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Time TBA (Afternoon)

Berklee Chamber Players: Trester, String Quartet No. 3

Westford Parish Center for the Arts (http://westford.com/pca/)


Tuesday, October 9, 2012
7: 30 pm • Composition Department Faculty Concert
Trester: Three Summeresques (cycle of original words and music)
With Elizabeth Anker, contralto and Francine Trester, piano/violin
David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music 


Saturday, September 22, 2012
6 pm • The Mockingbird Trio, Donald Wilkinson and Francine Trester present “334 Bunnies,” a one-act chamber opera by Francine Trester
Crowell Chapel, Manchester, MA


Monday, August 20, 2012

6 pm •  Zodiac Trio performs Trester’s “5 Summer Haiku”

Works by Bell, Hair, List, McAllister, McGuire

City Halls, Recital Hall, Candelriggs, Glasgow, Scotland


Sunday, August 19, 2012

7:30 pm • Edinburgh Fringe Festival:

Zodiac Trio performs Trester’s “5 Summer Haiku”

Works by Bell, Hair, List, McAllister, McGuire

Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh, Scotland


Saturday, June 2, 2012

2 pm • Caltech Clarinet Choir

From Trester’s “Six Portraits for Clarinet Choir”

La Canada Flintridge Library, CA


Saturday, May 19, 2012

8 pm • The Mockingbird Trio, Donald Wilkinson and Francine Trester present “334  Bunnies,” a one-act chamber opera by Francine Trester

The Shirley Meeting House



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

8 pm • Tufts Composers Concert

Granoff Music Center at Tufts University


Monday, February 27, 2012

7:30 pm • Clarinet and Friends

David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

7:30 pm • Berklee Chamber Players Concert, Berklee College of Music

Trester: String Quartet No. 3

David Friend Recital Hall


Friday, February 17, 2012

12 pm • Berklee Chamber Players Concert

Trester: String Quartet No. 3

Cambridge School of Weston


Monday, February 6, 2012

7:30 pm • Composition Department Faculty Concert

Trester: String Quartet No. 3

David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music


Saturday, February 4, 2012

4 pm • the Mockingbird Trio , Donald Wilkinson and Francine Trester present “334  Bunnies,” a one-act chamber opera by Francine Trester

St. John’s, Jamaica Plain, MA


Saturday, February 4, 2012

7:30 pm • University of Alaska Anchorage

From Trester’s “Six Portraits for Clarinet Choir”



Friday, February 3, 2012

6 pm • The Zodiac Trio presents the Boston New Music Project

Music by Margaret McAllister, Andrew List, Francine Trester, Larry Bell, John McDonald, and Berklee students

Berk Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

5 pm • The Zodiac Trio performs Trester’s “5 Summer Haiku”

Boston Conservatory, Boston, MA


Friday, January 27, 2012

7 pm • The Zodiac Trio performs Trester’s “5 Summer Haiku”

The Firehouse Space, Brooklyn, N.Y.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

8 pm • Edward M. Pickman Concert Hall

Faculty Artist Recital

The Mockingbird Trio, Donald Wilkinson and Francine Trester present “334 Bunnies,” a one-act chamber opera by Francine Trester

Admission free; no ticket required


Saturday, December 10, 2011

8 pm • A New Lullaby Project Premiere Concert

Aaron-Larget Caplan, guitar

New School of Music, 25 Lowell St, Cambridge

Admission: $15, $12 students

Tickets: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/212596



Monday, October 3, 2011

7:30 pm • Composition Department Faculty Concert

Barbara LaFitte oboe and Francine Trester, violin perform Trester’s “Dialogues”

Berklee College of Music, David Friend Recital Hall


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

7:30 pm • Berklee String Department Concert

Barbara LaFitte oboe and Francine Trester, violin perform Trester’s “Dialogues”

Berklee College of Music, David Friend Recital Hall


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

1 pm • Berklee Recital Hall 1A

“Keys and Strings”

Francine Trester, violin and Marti Epstein, piano perform works by Handel, Brahms and Prokofiev


Friday, July 1, 2011

7 pm • Berklee Performance Center

Mark O’Connor String Fest Faculty Concert

Melissa Howe and Francine Trester perform Trester’s “Echoes…Of the Past….Return”

Admission $10


Monday, February 14, 2011

7:30 pm • Composition Department Faculty Concert, Berklee College of Music

David Friend Recital Hall


Thursday, February 10, 2011

7:00 pm • Domestic Affairs in Jamaica Plain

Mockingbird Trio in Jamaica Plain


Music by Francine Trester, premieres by John McDonald and Elizabeth Anker, French songs of last century by Charles Martin Loeffler (friend of Isabel Stewart Gardner) and others.

The Trio: Elizabeth Anker, contralto (and piano)

Scott Woolweaver, viola

John McDonald, piano


Thursday, February 10, 2011

7:30 pm • Berklee Chamber Players Concert, Berklee College of Music

David Friend Recital Hall



Saturday, December 4, 2010

3 pm • Los Angeles Clarinet Choir

From Trester’s “Six Portraits for Clarinet Choir”

Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium, 601 Santa Monica Boulevard

Santa Monica Public Library, CA


Saturday, November 20, 2010

4:00 pm • the Mockingbird Trio presents Trester’s song cycle "A Field Guide to Backyard Birds" along with other bird-themed music.

St.John’s, Jamaica Plain, MA



Tuesday, November 9, 2010

7:00 pm • The University of Rhode Island

From Trester’s “Six Portraits for Clarinet Choir”



Monday, September 27, 2010

7:30 pm • Composition Department Faculty Concert

Several faculty from the Composition Department will present recent compositions.

Berklee College of Music, David Friend Recital Hall


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

7:30 pm • Berklee String Department Faculty Concert

Join the String Department faculty for our annual welcome-back concert. This sixth-annual concert highlights the immense musical diversity of the faculty and the department.

Berklee College of Music, David Friend Recital Hall


Saturday, August 7, 2010

7:30 pm • A mixed recital of great(er) new music.

Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan

Lily Pad, Inman Square, MA


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

7 pm • Guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan performs My Darling's Slumber at the New School of Music in Cambridge, MA.

Performed as part of the monthly music series "New School - New Music."


Friday, April 9, 2010

4 pm • Peter Cokkinias and the Berklee Clarinet Choir perform Six Portraits for Clarinet Choir.

Berklee College of Music, Recital Hall 1W.


Monday, March 29, 2010

5:15 pm • Luther College “Art Song Jamboree”

Featuring music by Francine Trester

Center for Faith and Life Recital Hall



Sunday, February 28, 2010

3:15 pm • Shasta Symphony performs MYTHOS by Francine Trester.

Peter Cokkinias, conductor.


Monday, February 8, 2010

7:30 pm • Composition Department Faculty Concert

A concert of contemporary chamber music, written by Berklee's own Composition Department faculty and performed by Berklee faculty performers and guest artists.

Location, David Friend Recital Hall


Sunday, October 25, 2009

2:00 pm • Mockingbird Trio

Elizabeth Anker, contralto, Scott Woolweaver, viola and John McDonald, composer, piano are the Mockingbird Trio. Join them for the first in this year’s All Newton Music School series on Sunday, October 25 at 2:00 pm. They will perform works of Francine Trester, John McDonald, works by Janice Giteck and Elizabeth Anker, and the premiere of a new work by Boston composer Rebecca Sacks.

Newton Free Library, 330 Homer Street in Newton Center, MA


Thursday, June 18, 2009

6:30 pm • Guitar performance by Aaron Larget-Caplan • Fête de la Musique

The Ligue Francophone of Boston & Fête de la Musique present

World Dances & New Lullabies

Solos by Albert Roussel, Roland Dyens, Antonio Lauro, Isaac Albéniz, Esteban Delgado, and New Lullabies by Francine Trester & Jonathan Feist from the New Lullaby Project.

Admission: FREE

Location: Boston Public Library, Boston Room, Copley Square, 700 Boylston St., Boston MA 02116

Info: www.BPL.org


Sunday, May 10, 2009

4 pm • Guitar performance by Aaron Larget-Caplan • Mother's Day Concert

First Parish of Cohasset presents

Dance Love Sleep - a Mother's Day Concert

Program: Dances from Spain, Latin America & the US, Romances by Paganini, Schubert, Albéniz, & New Lullabies by Gershwin and composers from the New Lullaby Project.

Location: First Parish Cohasset, 23 N Main St, Cohasset

Admission: $15, 1/2 price for Mothers

For info: www.firstparishcohasset.org or call (781) 383-1100


Friday, May 1, 2009

7:30 pm • Guitar solo • New Lullaby Project

New Lullaby Project Premiere Concert 5 - click here for Boston Globe article about this premiere


Dance Love Sleep

New Lullaby Project = Guitar + Composers + Lullabies + Love

Program: Dances from Spain, Latin America & the US, Romances by Paganini, Schubert, Albéniz, & New Lullabies Premieres commissioned by Aaron Larget-Caplan for the New Lullaby Project.

World Premieres include

My Darling's Slumber by Francine Trester

Descent into a Dream by Mark Small

Unfolding the Gates of Dawn by Carson Cooman

Leaky Roof & No Time Lullabies by Jonathan Feist

Admission: $15, free to enrolled NSM students

Reserve tickets by calling 617-947-1330 or emailing aaron@aaronLc.com

Location: New School of Music, 25 Lowell St, Cambridge 02138, 617-492-8105

Information or questions: Email Aaron@AaronLC.com or call 617-947-1330


February 26, 2009

8 pm • Granoff Music Center and Tufts Department of Music

Concert by the Mockingbird Trio

More info TBA

Distler Performance Hall


Saturday, February 21, 2009

8:30 pm • Concert at AS220 with Mark and Beverly Davis, Michael Nicolella and the Wheeler Guitar Ensemble

115 Empire Street

Providence, RI 02903 401-831-9327


January 25, 2008

3 pm • Berklee Composers Concert

Brighton Congregational Church

Brighton, MA

with Elizabeth Anker, contralto and John McDonald, piano

works by Francine Trester, Ramon Castillo, Jonathan Holland,

Kari Juusela, Ivana Lisak, John McDonald, Margaret McAllister


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